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Home Learning Policy

Home learning is time set aside each night by the student, to extend and develop their study skills and to prepare them for senior years.
Students are expected to undertake home study every day, as independent study habits will be crucial for a successful Wezari examination. As Ronaki Hawler Schools, we endeavour, as far as we are able, to assign meaningful and productive home learning tasks which students will readily be motivated to complete.
Home learning plays a vital part in the learning process as students require additional time to research, to reflect upon work and to prepare for exams and tests, particularly at the secondary and high school level. The requirement for extra home learning time increases, level by level, with each year.
In contrast with this, we strive to minimize home learning in primary school, particularly from grades 1 to 3, as we feel strongly that students need more time to play and to use their limitless imaginations actively.
At higher grades, the value of lessons learned through the medium of home learning should not be underestimated.
Home learning teaches self-discipline, and it helps to improve end results. But just as importantly, home learning allows parents to take an active role in the learning process and to view, at first hand, some of the work being undertaken at school.
Ronaki Hawler Schools believe that home learning is an essential part of the curriculum and should be undertaken regularly. Periodic home learning and home study are necessary for the improvement of student performance. They give the student opportunities to consolidate the knowledge and skills learned in class, as well as enabling the student to develop sound study habits.
We envisage that home study at higher grades will:
* Encourage and measure the development of self-discipline
* Form a study pattern for home learning
* Develop time management skills
* Involve parents in the child’s schooling
* Develop subject-based skills.
Affiliations / Certifications

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