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What students should know as a result of their education is what we refer to as a set of ‘competencies’ that are essential for students to succeed in school, in higher education, in their careers, and in life in general.
These consist of:
The capacity to develop new thoughts and to put them into action.
The capacity to examine information and opinions, and to draw logical conclusions.
The capacity to convey ideas and emotions openly, with confidence and a sense of freedom of expression.
The capacity to co-operate productively, even with people who have a different opinion from us.
The capacity to show affection and care to all living creatures.
The capacity to achieve personal inner peace and to contribute to world peace.
The capacity to embrace with enthusiasm one’s people, country and culture and to contribute constructively towards the prosperity of society.
The capacity to believe in oneself and to feel certain that one will always be able to achieve at the peak of one’s potential.
The capacity to live with people from different cultures and to establish a dialogue with them.
The capacity to communicate in multiple languages.
The capacity to work independently.
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