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Quality-Assured Education System
Our education system is endorsed by the City&Guilds and reviewed on a yearly basis ensuring continuous quality improvement.
K-12 School Accreditation
Achieving K12 school accreditation was a real milestone in Ronaki Hawler Schools education path.
What is an accreditation?
Educational accreditation is a quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated and verified by an external body to determine if applicable and recognized standards are met. If standards are met, accredited status is granted by the appropriate agency.
Who accredited Ronaki Hawler Schools Education Program?
Ronaki Hawler Schools’ Education Quality is endorsed by one of the world’s most reputable and prominent British Organization, City & Guilds on five-year exclusive agreement.
City & Guilds Group work with education providers, employers and governments in over 100 countries across the world to help people, businesses and economies grow by shaping skills systems and supporting skills development.
- 140 years of experience
- President is The Princess Royal (The eldest Princess of British Royal Family)
- A very reputable group that has 6 important brands.
- Globally recognized and respected as a prominent British accrediting body
Advantages of Educational Accreditation
Students & Parents
*Internationally recognized certificates and documents
*Certificates from UK
*More motivated learners
*Parent satisfaction in safety and health
*Graduation advantages
Affiliations / Certifications

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