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What makes us unique
We offer our pupils a full school education (nursery, primary and high school) from 4 until 18 years old to help them fulfill their full potential in society.
We enhance a unique atmosphere by embracing an open dialogue between every student and teacher. We encourage a free and respectful exchange of opinions and ideas.
Ronaki Hawler Education Company builds its education system on ‘Project Based Education’. This system is primarily project-oriented and uses organized methods that are enriched with activities that are done individually or in small groups. Through this student-centered system, our students grow up as individuals and aim to overcome any obstacles they may face. In Ronaki Hawler Education Company, Project-Based Education is based on ‘ Graphic Organizers’. Graphic organizers are visual and comprehensive educational tools that are designed by teachers that allow students to research, and think critically to help develop a detailed perspective.
As a result of Project-Based Education, students in our institutions become people who can think critically, who have strong communication skills, who can work in a group and become productive. Besides, our students exhibit their projects in competitions and strive to become scientists.
In Ronaki Hawler, Project-Based Education is implemented by highly experienced and dedicated educators. Thanks to these educators, students don’t memorize the course material but are able to understand and acquire information. The development of our students is followed by our educators and their parents by collecting their project works throughout the year.
Learning Through Doing
Starting from the primary level, our students learn how to think systematically and how to prepare projects. In Secondary School and High School, the students have an opportunity to display their ideas and compete in national and international project Olympiads.
The high successes they achieve in these competitions prove that our students receive a world-class education and they can compete with the world in scientific areas.
Scientific Studies
In Ronaki Hawler schools, Science is highly valued. Scientific activities are organized at all levels starting from Kindergarden to High School. Our students actively participate in these activities and gain scientific perspective through science lessons with the support of well-equipped laboratories. Thus, students learn how to study systematically according to scientific methods.
Local and international science trips are organized by our schools in order to make our students love and appreciate science. Our teachers provide the opportunity to experience science in science lessons with the help of visual and experimental materials. The experiments and projects that are exhibited in science fairs throughout the year make education fun. In these science fairs, activities like egg landing, water rocket, mouse trap car, t-shirt design, experiments and wall decorations are performed.
Physics, Chemistry and Biology Teaching
Physics, Chemistry and Biology, which are the fundamentals of scientific studies, are really important for Ronaki Hawler Educational Company. Teachers who are experts in their areas teach the theoretical aspects in the best way they can. This leads our students to become great researchers with the knowledge of scientific methods and systematic studies. Through this , our students find the opportunity to change theoretical knowledge to practical knowledge in our well-equipped laboratories and they discover their scientific talents.
In the laboratories that are specially designed for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, our students conduct experiments and turn them into projects. With these projects, they can join national and international competitions.
In Ronaki Hawler Educational Company, from the first year of Primary School to the final year of High School, computer education is given special importance. Computer education is provided in fully- equipped computer laboratories by highly – qualified teachers. In these lessons, application is as important as theoretical knowledge.
In Ronaki Hawler, the computer labs are designed so that each student has one computer to work with. The syllabus of computer lessons is quite extensive and it includes many recent programs. Besides basic hardware and software education, C++, Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Java and MS Office programs are taught.
By attending different competitions and project Olympiads, our students are expected to improve their computer skills. Our students write programs, perform computer art, prepare short films, and learn about hardware control and robotics. With their projects they can join local and international competitions.
Besides computer education, lessons are given in classes with projectors. Many of the classrooms are fully equipped with smart boards and audio systems. Thus, interactive learning is provided for the students.
The digital versions of the textbooks are used in classes and this serves a richer content. This way, many topics are learned better with the help of 3D animations.
Language is an integral part of man. It surpasses communication and social interaction. Language influences thought, and thought often conditions action, and also influences conduct. Language therefore is the strongest medium of transmitting culture and social reality.
The Language Learning Programme
In our schools enables students aged from 4 to 18 years old to improve their proficiency in speaking, lıstening, reading and writing skills in four different languages English, Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish. At Ronaki Hawler schools the medium of instruction is English and it is taught according to framework of ‘Oxford Quality Programme’
Besides English, mother tongue education is highly valued by our schools.
Students learn their mother tongues from very experienced teachers. First language education varies according to location of the school. Arabic is taught as a mother language in the schools in southern cities whereas Kurdish is taught in Kurdistan region. National curriculum is followed on first language education.
Additionally Turkish is taught as a second foreign language in all our schools. The programme has been designed using the latest teaching and learning approaches and enables students to broaden their vocabulary range, improve their language skills as well as increase opportunities to access the standard school curriculum. English and Turkish are taught intensively in Preparatory year 16 and 12 hours of lesson in a week respectively at the beginning of secondary or high school.
Some other languages such as French, Spanish, Russian are offered as an optional club activity in different schools and volunteer students have chance to study these languages.
One of the main purposes of Ronaki Hawler Company is to assist our students in qualifying for a good university. That’s why all the educational activities in our schools are conducted for this aim.
In this perspective, the success of the University Entrance Exam is the outcome of students’ 12 years education. For this reason, in Ronaki Hawler Company, University Preparation System is particularly important. The most experienced teachers in our schools teach the preparatory classes for university. These experienced teachers also provide guidance services to students by giving extra lessons, arranging study times and conducting practice tests.
Students sometimes stay in our dormitories and study more efficiently with helpful materials. As a result of these preparations, our students are qualified to succeed in courses that require high grades like medicine, engineering, dentistry and architecture.
In Ronaki Hawler School’s College Counselling Departments offer a professional guidance and support to students for planning their university education.
Our college counselors provide academic and moral support to our students and direct them to the most appropriate choices from registering for exams to applying for universities.
One of our main aims is to qualify our students to be able study at top universities around the world. We encourage our students to take international exams such as SAT, ACT, GED, AP, YÖS which are accepted by universities throughout the world.
One of the most popular exams is the SAT and preparation courses are organized in our schools. SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is an exam that measures Math and English knowledge. With the result of this exam, our students can apply for universities in many countries like Turkey, USA, Jordan or England.
We also offer AP (Advanced Placement), ACT (American College Testing), GED (General Educational Development) and YÖS (Foreign Students Exam) preparatory courses on demand.
In Ronaki Hawler Education Company, students can discuss their personal problems with Psychological Consultancy and Guidance Services one-on-one. The services are confidential and our expert guidance counselors provide appropriate solutions to students’ problems according to their age, mental and social development. The problems are solved in cooperation with the teachers, students, and parents.
In our Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department, guidance and counseling programs are developed and implemented appropriately for the developmental needs of our students. Counselors work with all the students, not only the ones who have problems. Works, conducted in the Guidance and Counseling Department are aimed at developing basic social skills of the students and letting them acquire self-confidence and problem-solving skills. Also, our students are assisted in planning they are future academic and work career. Students are informed via seminars and workshops about different topics such as effective time management and study skills, behavior education, etc.
Throughout the year many programs for students such as orientation programs, student recognition programs/activities, student guidance programs/activities, academic achievement improvement programs/activities, conferences and social activities, vocational and career counseling are conducted. On the other hand, many different programs are also organized for parents and staff.
Parent-Teacher Meetings
The school is always in close contact with the parents while preparing students for their academic and social life. Parent-teacher meetings are held periodically at Ronaki Hawler and students’ educational achievements and career planning are discussed.
A parent-teacher meeting is a periodical meeting between the parents and teachers of students to discuss children’s progress at school and find solutions to academic or behavioral problems. Parent-teacher conferences supplement the information conveyed by report cards by focusing on students’ specific strengths and weaknesses in individual subjects and generalizing the level of inter-curricular skills and competences.
The meetings might be as a class or one to one interview. The meetings are generally led by teachers who take a more active role in information sharing, with parents relegated mostly to the role of listeners.
CTC (Class Teachers Council) Meetings
Class Teacher Council (CTC) meetings are held three times a year by the Vice Principal, teachers who teach to the same class, and Psychological Consultancy and Guidance experts.
In CTC meetings, students’ individual performances are discussed and solutions to academic and behavioral problems are sought. In these meetings, teachers identify some students who have difficulty in learning or show low performance or cause discipline problem and the council discusses this individual student in detail. They share their experiences and they try to find the best way to help the students. If needed, the parents or relatives of the student are invited to the meetings and healthy solutions are discussed.
E-School System and k12.net
k12.net Online E-School System is a technological service that Ronaki Hawler Education Company provides to its students, parents, teachers, and managers. With the help of k12.net, parents can easily track the progress of their children’s academic performance. At the beginning of the school year, usernames and passwords are given to all parents so that they can follow the attendance and marks of their children regularly.
Testing and Assessment
In Ronaki Hawler Education Company, almost all exams are evaluated by the Testing and Assessment Departments using optical readers. The results are given to students in tables and graphs on their report cards. Online data is also available to managers, teachers, students, and parents to follow.
Transportation and Shuttle
We provide a shuttle service in our schools for the students in need. The transportation service is provided by licensed drivers and female assistants and they drive the students safely from home to school and school to home.
Food And Canteen
In Ronaki Hawler Education Company, lunch is served for students who request this service. It is prepared according to the students’ age group, with the right amount of calorie and hygienic conditions. In some of our school’s canteens serve snacks at break times to keep our students energized.
Teacher Development Programs
Department meetings and educational seminars are the most important institutional strategies of Ronaki Hawler Education Company. The department meetings where knowledge exchange, experiments, educational seminars, constant development seminars take place are indispensable practices of Ronaki Hawler.
Teachers update their knowledge, follow the up-to-date advancements in education, and have brainstorming sessions about their departments. All these keep the quality of education constantly at its best. For this reason, the teachers who work in Fezalar Educational Institutions gather within the school year and during the summer holiday to join professional development programs.
Many international academicians and experts are invited to these programs and our teachers continuously improve themselves. When necessary, our teachers attend fairs, conferences, and panels in different countries and follow the developments in their branches and in English.
Department Meetings and Seminars
In Fezalar Educational Institutions, department meetings in all branches are held regularly every week. During these meetings, the topics that are stated in the academic calendar are discussed and better ways of teaching and student learning are determined.
The teachers who have more experience share practical knowledge about certain topics. For example, some of
our teachers attend the EDEXCEL (Educational Excellence) program to gain professional experience. Our elementary school teachers attend Mental Arithmetic Seminars given by experts and follow advancements that popular science offers. Similar to these activities, teachers attend Project-Based Education seminars and gain new experiences in class activities.
Thus, our teachers join the ‘Learning Throughout Life’ process with the help of department meetings and seminars.
Experiment Seminars
In Fezalar Educational Institutions, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Science laboratories are effectively and efficiently used. Our labs are designed in order to do all the experiments that are stated in our curriculum and are equipped with the necessary materials, modern experiment tools, and models.
Our teachers obtain practical experience in conducting various experiments in these regularly organized seminars. Therefore, they are well experienced to teach topics that require experimental work.
Thus, the knowledge that is transferred from experienced teachers to students is connected to life and it urges students to think scientifically.
English Teachers Seminars and OTA (Oxford Teachers’ Academy)
Teacher development programs are continuously held for teachers in Fezalar Educational Institutions to follow innovations in language teaching. As a result of these seminars that are conducted by Oxford University, teachers learn how to use materials they have more effectively.
One of these educational programs is Oxford Teachers’ Academy and several practical activities that can be implemented in classes are presented in this program. OTA seminars help our teachers develop themselves professionally and become more beneficial for their students.
Our teachers certify their professional proficiency with the certificates that are given at the end of these seminars
Affiliations / Certifications

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